Argon Dashboard PRO Django ⚡️ Updated

Hello! This article presents the latest updates of Argon Dashboard, a premium Django starter crafted by Creative-Tim and AppSeed. Starting with version v1.0.2, the source code is published on GitHub, the UI is installed from an external library and the product can be deployed LIVE on Render with ease. Thanks for reading!

Start your development with a Premium Dashboard for Bootstrap 4 and Django. Argon is a completely new product built on our newest re-built from scratch framework structure that is meant to make our products more intuitive and so much easier to customize.

👉 Django Argon PRO - How to use the product

This video explains the basic usage of the product from downloading the sources, setting up the local environment, and starting the product.

Argon PRO Django - How To Use It

👉 Django Argon PRO - Start in Docker

For those familiar with Docker, the product can be started using a single command typed in the command line.    

Argon PRO Django - Start with Docker

👉 Django Argon PRO - Deploy LIVE on Render

The sources are provided with CI/CD flow via Render that allows an easy deployment without low-level server configuration.

Argon PRO Django - Go LIVE on Render

If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you.

Thanks for reading!