vite Vite Soft UI Dashboard PRO Premium Vue Dashboard Template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Bootstrap 5, VueJS 3, Vite and Vuex.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Dashboard - Open-Source Flask Starter Open-Source Flask Starter crafted on top of Soft UI Dashboard, a modern Bootstrap 5 design - Sources published on Github (MIT License).
volt-dashboard Volt Dashboard BS5 - Free Starters Free Starters crafted by AppSeed on top of Volt Dashboard, a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design from Themesberg.
chakra-ui Horizon UI - Open-Source React Template Get started and build your dream web app with Horizon UI, the trendiest & innovative Open Source Admin Template for Chakra UI & React - Provided by Simmmple.
appseed AppSeed - New Version The new version of AppSeed is LIVE - improved design and complete refactoring over the site structure.
node-js Node JS for Beginners - Practical Guide A comprehensive introduction to Node JS for Beginners - With Free Samples.
creative-tim Creative-Tim, latest updates: Soft Dashboard, Paper, Now UI PRO Latest updates from Creative-Tim: Soft UI Dashboard, Paper PRO Angular, React Native version of Now UI - free & commercial products.
tutorials JavaScript and Vue for Beginners - With Free Samples A comprehensive introduction to Javascript and VueJS for beginners - With Free Samples.
mui Open-Source MUI Template - NextJS Material Dashboard Open-Source Dashboard Template crafted on top of MUI and React. NextJS Material Dashboard can be downloaded from Github (MIT License).
bootstrap-5 Material Kit Bootstrap 5 - Flask Template Open-Source Template crafted by AppSeed in Flask on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 Design - Material Kit Flask is available for download from Github (MIT License).
mui Vision UI Dashboard - Premium MUI Template Start your Development with an Innovative Admin Template for MUI and React - Vision UI is a premium Dashboard Template crafted by Creative-Tim.
mui Open-Source MUI Template - Argon Dashboard Open-Source MUI Template crafted by Creative-Tim using Argon Design concepts. Sources are available for download from Github (MIT License).
django Datta Able Django - Free Template Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed on top of a modern design: Datta Able (free version).
mui Open-Source MUI Template - React Material Dashboard Open-Source MUI Template crafted by Creative-Tim using Material Design concepts. Sources available for download from Github (MIT License).
django Django Soft Design - Open-Source Starter Soft UI Design System Django is a simple Django seed project provided by AppSeed with a modular codebase, database, authentication, and deployment scripts.
laravel Laravel 9 Starters - Open-Source and Free A curated list with full-stack Open-Source Starters crafted on top of Laravel 9 (latest version) - Source Code for all projects is available on Github.
angular Argon Design Angular - Open-Source UI Kit Open-Source Design System crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Angular. Sources are available on Github (MIT License).
mui React MUI Templates - Open-Source and FREE A curated list with Open-Source MUI Templates released under permissive licenses - React Soft UI, Berry, Material Dashboard - All FREE.
react Material Kit React - Open-Source React Template Open-Source React UI Kit crafted by Creative-Tim - Material Kit React can be downloaded from Github (MIT License).
vue Materio Vue Laravel – Open-Source Dashboard Starter Open-Source Dashboard starter crafted by ThemeSelection on top of Vue and Laravel - Materio Dashboard can be downloaded from Github.
bootstrap-5 Material Kit Bootstrap 5 - Django Template Open-Source Template crafted by AppSeed in Django on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 Design - Material Kit Django is available for download from Github (MIT License).
angular Angular 13 Dashboards - All Free A short-list with Open-Source Dashboards crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Angular - Sources available on Github (MIT License).
bootstrap-5 Soft UI Dashboard PRO - Bootstrap 5 Template Premium Bootstrap 5 Template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Soft UI Design System (Premium Version).
react-dashboard MatX - Open-Source React Dashboard Open-Source React Dashboard crafted by UI-Lib on top of M-UI Library - MatX can be downloaded from Github (MIT License).
open-source Vue Black Dashboard Laravel - Free Starter Open-Source Dashboard Template crafted by Creative-Tim in Vue and Laravel on top of a pixel-perfect Black Design - Sources available on Github (MIT License).