react React & NodeJS (HorizonUI) - Generate and deploy LIVE in 5min This video explains how to use tools to generate full-stack apps in no time. Generated code is saved on GitHub (MIT License).
react Go LIVE with Full-Stack projects | AppSeed & Render This material explains how to use free tools and Go LIVE with full-stack products using the Render Deployment Platform.
app-generator Generate a Flask App and Go LIVE in 5min - AppSeed & Render This video explains how to deploy LIVE a generated product powered by Flask on Render in just a few minutes using the CLI.
render NodeJS and React - Go LIVE in 5 minutes using Render This video explains how to deploy LIVE a full-stack product powered by NodeJS and React on Render in just a few minutes using the CLI.
ecommerce Build Flask & Stripe eCommerce and Deploy LIVE This material explains how to build a simple eCommerce powered by Stripe & Flask and publish LIVE the product on Render.
ecommerce Django & Stripe eCommerce - Free Starter Open-source starter powered by Django & Stripe that allows a quick build of a simple eCommerce using products from Stripe.
django Django Dynamic DataTables - Free Library Open-source library for Django that provides a powerful data table interface (paginated information) with minimum effort - VIDEO included.
fastapi Open-Source eCommerce - FastAPI, Stripe, Bootstrap 5 Simple eCommerce powered by FastAPI and Stripe that uses a modern Bootstrap 5 design - Open-source project.
stripe Free Django eCommerce - Use Stripe Products Mini eCommerce for Django with products download from Stripe - Open-source project (MIT License).
react Star Admin - Open-Source React Template A pixel-perfect React Dashboard template crafted by BootstrapDash on top of Star Admin, an iconic open-source design.
ecommerce Open-Source eCommerce Projects - Django, Flask, FastAPI A curated list with Open-Source eCommerce starters crafted in different technologies: Django, Flask, FastAPI - Sources available for download from Github (MIT license)
django-template Django Admin Interface - Open-Source Themes Free themes for Django Admin Section - all products are unable via PyPi and the sources are published on GitHub (MIT License)
django Django & Stripe - Free Mini eCommerce App Open-source Django eCommerce project that loads the products from JSON files saved in the templates directory (no database required) - Bootstrap 5 design is used for styling.
react React Profile Page - Free Templates A curated list with React Templates that provide user profile pages, an element that might help your app to increase user interaction and retention.
creative-tim Creative-Tim Latest Updates (All Free) Latest updates from Creative-Tim: Purity React Dashboard, Material Dashboard BS5 (all free).
deals PROMO Bundle 85%Off - For Junior Developers An amazing collection of premium Kits and Dashboards crafted by Creative Tim for Junior Developers - 85%Off Discount.
deployment Deploy Flask to Render Learn how to go LIVE with a Flask project using the Render Deployment Platform - Free Sample Included.
django Django Dynamic DataTables - Free Tool (Updated) The tool aims to provide a powerful data table interface using the developer's minimum amount of code. Built on top of Simple-DataTables, Vanilla JS and Django for the backend logic.
wrappixel WrapPixel - BigBundle Deal 85%Off Are you looking to speed up your development process by using high-quality backend templates and UI kits? - This offer might help.
stripe Flask & Stripe - Open-Source Mini eCommerce Open-source mini eCommerce project that loads the products from JSON files saved in the templates directory (no database required) - Bootstrap 5 design is used for styling.
react Tremor - Free React Library for Dashboards An open-source UI component library for building insightful dashboards in a breeze - Powered by React, ReCharts and Tailwind.
flask Flask API Generator and View - Free Product Open-Source API Generator updated to support an API view in templates - Soft UI Dashboard Design.
django (VIDEO) Django Material Template - How to use it Learn how to create a new Django project from scratch and update the UI using a modern theme: Material Dashboard UI.
bootstrap-5 Corporate UI Dashboard - Free BS5 Dashboard Open-Source dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Bootstrap 5 - Corporate UI Dashboard is released under MIT License.
django Soft Django Theme - How to use it (Free Product) This article explains how to create a new Django project and later, enhance the UI with a free theme: Soft UI Dashboard