django Django API Generator - Open-Source Project A simple tool for generating secure API services using Django - an Open-source generator provided by AppSeed.
flask Generate APIs in Flask without coding - Open-Source Project A simple tool for generating secure API services using Flask - an Open-source generator provided by AppSeed.
flask Flask Black Dashboard PRO - OAuth, Extended Profiles Premium Flask starter enhanced with OAuth (GitHub & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, and Docker support - Black Dashboard Design.
django Build services in Django without coding (free product) This material explains how to build services in Django without coding using Soft UI Dashboard, a popular open-source starter - provided by AppSeed.
django Dynamic Data Tables - Open-Source Django Starter DataTables are useful when we have to browse large amounts of data - This starter provides a module that manages automatically using DataTables in any app model.
django Django API Generator for DRF (Free product) Open-source Django starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 that provides OAuth SignIn (Github), API Generator module for DRF, and Docker support.
django Django OAuth, BS5 Design, Dark-Mode - Free Starter Free starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Django with Database, DB Tools, OAuth via Github, and Docker Support - Soft UI Dashboard Design.
flask Flask Soft Dashboard - OAuth, Dark-Mode, Docker Open-source seed project enhanced with OAuth for Github, Dark-Mode, DB tools (Flask-Migrate), and Docker Support - Soft Dashboard Design.
react Purity UI Dashboard - Open-Source React Template Open-source React template crafted on top of ChakraUI - Purity Dashboard bu Creative-Tim.
nextjs NextJS Material Kit - Free TypeScript Template Open-Source NextJS Starter - Forked from the original version crafted by Creative-Tim, for accelerated development.
django (Video) Django OAuth for GitHub - Volt Dashboard Free starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Django with Database, DB Tools, OAuth via Github, and Docker Support - Volt Dashboard Design.
django Django Volt Dashboard - Updated to support OAuth (Github) Free starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Django with Database, DB Tools, OAuth via Github and Docker Support.
flask Flask Soft Design PRO - OAuth, Extended Profiles Premium Flask Starter enhanced with OAuth (GitHub & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, Self-Deletion option and Docker Support - Soft UI Design (PRO version).
flask Flask OAuth for GitHub - Volt Bootstrap 5 Design Open-Source Flask starter enhanced with OAuth, improved Docker scripts - Volt Bootstrap 5 design (from Themesberg).
django Django OAuth for Github - Datta Able (free product) Open-Source Django starter enhanced with OAuth, improved Docker scripts and persistent dark-mode (UI layer) - Datta Able design.
app-generator Flask App Generator - Black Dashboard Design Video material that explains how to use AppSeed and generate a simple dashboard on top of Flask - Sources are saved on Github.
django Django Black Dashboard - VIDEO Presentation Free starter built on top of Bootstrap and Django with database, authentication, and Docker - provided by AppSeed and Creative-Tim
django Django Soft Design PRO - Video Presentation Premium Django Starter enhanced with OAuth (GitHub & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, Self-Deletion option, and Docker Support on top of Soft UI Design (PRO version)
black-dashboard Black Dashboard - Persistent Dark-Mode (Free Product) Free dashboard template designed by Creative-Tim, enhanced by AppSeed with persistent dark mode and sign-in page.
tailwind Argon Tailwind CSS - Premium Dashboard Template Premium Tailwind dashboard template crafted on top of a pixel-perfect design with 50+ pages and 300+ UI components - By Creative-Tim.
flask Flask Example OAuth Github - Open-Source Starter Open-source Flask Starter enhanced with OAuth for Github, DB tools (Flask-Migrate), and Docker Support - Datta Able Design.
django Django Pixel PRO - OAuth, Extended Profile Premium Django Starter enhanced with OAuth (Github & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, Self-Deletion option, and Docker Support
django Django Argon PRO - Mini eCommerce Template Premium Seed Project crafted on top of Argon Design System and Django. The product comes with session-based authentication, DB tools, and Docker support.
django Django Black Dashboard - Persistent Dark-Mode, Docker Premium Django Starter built with authentication, helpers, and Docker support on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap Design.
flask Flask Black PRO - Updated Premium Flask Starter built with authentication, helpers, and Docker support on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap Design.