django Django Material Kit2 - OAuth, Extended profiles, Docker Premium Django Starter enhanced with OAuth (Github & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, Self-Deletion option, and Docker Support
flask Flask OAuth, API, Extended Profiles - Volt Dashboard PRO Latest evolution: OAuth, Extended Profiles, API, Improved UX/UI for Flask Volt Dashboard (premium starter).
flask Flask Boilerplates - Open-Source and Free A curated list with starters and boilerplates powered by Flask, a leading backend framework actively supported by programming experts.
appseed AppSeed - New Service Terms and Discounts The latest terms and discounts provided by AppSeed: discounts for registered users, PRO accounts, and a special package for StartUPs.
datta-able Datta Able - Flask Starter (premium starter) Premium seed project crafted by AppSeed in Flask on top of Datta Able PRO design - Full-stack project.
creative-tim Creative-Tim Summer Deal - 85%🚀 Promo BUNDLE from Creative-Tim - 100 premium products at ONLY $119 - Part of Summer Deal campaign.
vue Flexy - Free Vue3 Template Open-Source template crafted by WrapPIxel on top of Vue3 and Vuetify - Flexy is a free product.
django Volt - Free Django Seed Project Open-Source seed project crafted on top of Django and Bootstrap 5 with basic modules, authentication, and Docker support - provided by AppSeed.
django (VIDEO) Django And Docker - Material Kit PRO This video material explains how to start Material Kit 2, a premium Django Starter, using Docker Virtualization Software.
django (VIDEO) Django And Docker - Datta Able Dashboard This video material explains how to start Datta Able, a premium Django Starter, using Docker Virtualization Software.
elementor Elementor - WordPress Builder A short introduction to Elementor, a leading Site Builder for WordPress - Key features and target audience.
vue Vue Material Kit - Free Vue3 Product This free VueJS 3 & Bootstrap 5 template is coming with pre-built design blocks, so the development process is seamless, and switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.
flask (Video) Flask OAuth with Github - Datta Able PRO This material presents how to authenticate with Github using Flask Datta Able, a premium starter provided by AppSeed.
flask Flask Datta PRO - #Updated: OAuth, Products API, UX Improvements Latest evolution: OAuth, Extended Profiles, API, Improved UX/UI - premium Flask starter (premium starter)
react Material Dashboard PRO TypeScript #Updated If you’re a developer looking to create an admin dashboard that is developer-friendly, rich with features, and highly customizable, here is your match - Premium React Template.
django Django Volt PRO - OAuth, Extended Profiles, Tasks & Transaction Module Latest evolutions of Django Volt: OAuth, extended users profile, Tasks module - premium starter built on top of Bootstrap5
react Muse Ant.Design React - FREE Product Muse Ant Design Dashboard is built with over 120 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Dashboard - Open-Source Flask Starter Open-Source Flask starter crafted with authentication, database, and Docker scripts on top of Soft UI Dashboard design - Free product (MIT license).
react Github React Dashboards - Open-Source and Free A curated list with React Dashboard published on Github under permissive licenses - All products are free for commercial use.
react Material Tailwind Dashboard - Free React Template Open-Source dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of React and Tailwind - Free product (MIT license).
tailwind Tailwind CSS - Free Starters Tailwind starters and templates - ALL free and open-source: Argon, Soft Dashboard, Flowbite.
angular Free Angular Dashboard - MaterialPro LITE Open-Source Dashboard template crafted by WrapPixel on top of Material Lite design and Angular - Free product.
laravel Free Laravel Starter - Paper Dashboard Open-Source dashboard seed project crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Vue, Laravel using Paper Design - Free product.
cool-designs Cool Designs - Soft UI Dashboard Pro Tailwind Premium Dashboard crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Soft Design and Tailwind - Part of the Cool Designs series.
adminator Adminator - Open-Source Django Starter Open-Source Django Template crafted on top of Adminator Dashboard Design - Free product by AppSeed (MIT License).