flask Argon Dashboard - Open-Source Flask Template Open-Source Starter built on top of Flask and Argon, a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design - Free product (MIT License)
soft-ui-system Soft UI Design System - Starters and Templates A curated list with starters and templates crafted on top of Soft UI Design, an innovative concept from Creative-Tim.
laravel Soft UI Dashboard - Premium Laravel Starter The product combines the hottest design trend right now, Soft UI, with an out of the box Laravel backend - By Creative-Tim.
vue-dashboard Vue Material Kit PRO - #Updated An amazing design inspired by Material Design and crafted on top of Creative-Tim on top of Vue 3 - Premium Starter.
django Django Argon Dashboard - Free Starter Open-Source Starter built on top of Django and Argon, a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design - Free product (MIT License)
django Django Soft PRO - OAuth for Github, Twitter, Change Password Latest evolutions of Django Soft Dashboard PRO: OAuth via Twitter and Github, Self-Deletion, Change Password - Premium Starter.
django Free Django Starter - Datta Able Open-Source Django Template crafted on top of Datta Able design with authentication, database and Docker Scripts (MIT License).
vuetify Materio – Free Vuetify Template Open-Source Vue Template crafted by ThemeSelection on top of Vuetify - Materio is a free product.
nextjs Xtreme Next Js - Free Template Open-Source Next JS template crafted on top of Xtreme Design by WrapPixel - Free product.
tailwind Soft Dashboard Tailwind - #Updated (free product) Open-Source Tailwind template, recently updated by Creative-Tim to support more features - Soft Dashboard is a free product.
adminator Adminator - Migrated to Gulp (Free Product) Adminator, an iconic design from Colorlib, is now available for download using a simple Gulp tooling (faster integration in Flask, Django, FastAPI).
datta-able Django Datta PRO - OAuth for Github, Twitter, Change Password Latest evolutions of Django Datta PRO: OAuth via Twitter and Github, Self-Deletion, Change Password - Premium Starter.
flask Flask Volt PRO - Extended User Profile, Admin ROLE Latest evolutions of Flask Volt PRO: extended profile for users, ADMIN role, improved authentication - Premium Starter.
react-v18 BLK Design System React (Free Product) Open-Source template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of React v18 - BLK Design System is a free product.
vue-dashboard Vue Argon Dashboard BS4 (free product) Open-Source Vue Dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Vue3 and Bootstrap - Free product (MIT License).
react-v18 BLK Design PRO - React v18 Premium dark-themed design system crafted by Creative-Tim on top of React v18 - Premium starter.
vue-dashboard Vue Paper Dashboard - Free Template Vue Paper Dashboard is a beautiful resource built over Bootstrap and Vue - Crafted by Creative-Tim.
nuxt Nuxt Black Dashboard - Free Starter Open-Source starter crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Nuxt and Black Dashboard design - Free product.
react React v18 - Templates and Starters Curated list with Starters and Templates crafted on top of React v18 - Free and Commercial projects: Argon, Black Dashboard, Soft Dashboard.
react React 18 - Now UI Kit (Free Product) Open-Source UI Kit crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Now UI design and React 18 - free product (MIT License).
vue Vue Argon Dashboard PRO #Updated Premium Vue3 dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Argon Design - The product comes with an open-source version (MIT license).
tailwind Tailwind CSS - Premium Starters Curated list with premium starters styled with Tailwind CSS - Commercial starters ONLY.
laravel Material Dashboard 2 Laravel - Premium Starter Full-stack Laravel Starter for building web apps, complete with hundreds of UI components and all the functionalities of a lightweight CMS, right out of the box.
tailwind Argon Dashboard - Free Tailwind Template Open-Source Tailwind CSS template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Argon Design - Free product (MIT License).
flask Flask Soft PRO - User Profiles, Improved Authentication Latest updates: extended user profiles, admin role, improved authentication, and Docker scripts - premium starter.