Dynamic API, Dynamic Server-Side DataTables, Vite Integration

Django Datta Able, a popular open-source starter, now provides support for Dynamic APIs, Dynamic DataTables, and Vite Integration for assets management. Here is how the new features work once the sources are downloaded from the product page.

Dynamic DataTables

This feature allows management of any model defined in the product via a powerful server-side data table view, enhanced with search, filters, and CSV export. The steps for enabling a dynamic data table view are listed below:

  • define a new model
  • migrate the database
  • update the configuration and add the new model: DYNAMIC_DATATB Section
  • start the application
  • access the dynamic_dt route and access the information

The demo for the Product model is available here.

Dynamic Tables in Django - Free Starter

Dynamic APIs

The same minimal configuration is used by the Dynamic API module where the model that needs to be exposed via the API needs to be added to the DYNAMIC_API settings variable.

Dynamic API Demo - Products Model
Dynamic APIs in Django - Free Starter

The last feature added to Django Datta is the one that allows the compilation of CSS/SCSS files using the usual dev and build target using Vite.

$ yarn        # install modules
$ yarn dev    # compilation with HOT reload
$ yarn build  # production build

The production build will provide the minified version of all CSS files.


The starter can be used to build secure APIs and powerful server-side data tables without coding, and optionally Go LIVE on render or any other Cloud provider. For support and more resources, feel free to access: