Gradient Able - Free Django 4 Template
Open-Source Django 4 template crafted by AppSeed on top of a lightweight Boostrap 4 Desing.

Hello! This article presents an open-source
dashboard starter generated by AppSeed
on top of a lightweight Bootstrap design and Django v4 (latest stable version). Django Gradient Able can be downloaded from Github without a registration lock and used for commercial or eLearning projects. For newcomers, Django is a leading web framework actively supported and versioned by programming experts and open-source enthusiasts. Thanks for reading!
- 👉 Gradient Able Django - Product page
- 👉 Gradient Able Django - LIVE Demo
- 🎁 Free support via email and Discord
Gradient Able design stands out from the crowd with an elegant look that combines soft gradient colors with well-suited typography and great cards and graphics.
The product can be used in a local environment with ease via the Docker setup shipped with the product.
Step #1 - Download the sources from Github
$ git clone
$ cd django-gradient-able
Step #2 - Start in Docker
$ docker-compose up --build
Once all the above commands are executed, we should be able to visit this Django Template in the browser, register new users, and authenticate.

✨ Codebase Features
The product is generated with a simple set of features that might help developers to avoid reinventing the wheel each time a new project starts.
Up-to-date dependencies
- all packages- Modern UI - Bootstrap 4 Design
- SCSS compilation via Gulp
DB Tools
: SQLite Database, Django Native ORM- Session-Based Authentication, Forms validation
: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx
Django 4 Gradient Able - Datatables

Django 4 Gradient Able - Widgets

Thanks for reading! For more resources, feel free to access:
- 🎁 More Free Dashboards crafted in
, Flask, and Django - 🎁 Free React Dashboards - curated list published on