Gradient Able - Free Download
This article presents a curated list with free resources related to Gradient Able, a modern dashboard designed by CodedThemes agency.

This article presents a curated list with free resources related to Gradient Able, a modern dashboard designed by CodedThemes agency. This open-source design is available in different technologies like Bootstrap, Angular, Flask, and Django and the permissive (MIT License) license allows the usage for hobby and commercial products. Gradient Able stands out from the crowd with an elegant look that combines soft gradient colors with well-suited typography and great cards and graphics.
- Gradient Able Bootstrap - product page
- Gradient Able Angular - product page
- Gradient Able Flask - functional starter with authentication other modules
- Gradient Able Django - simple starter generated by AppSeed

Gradient Able - Design Concepts
The design is crafted with a clean layout with really nice typography, a rich UI with many handcrafted components plus pre-built pages for almost anything. The free version comes with two layouts (classic and boxed layout), charts page, maps, authentication pages and pages to showcase the UI Kit: alerts, buttons, pagination, grids and many more.

Gradient Able Flask
The Flask version is generated by AppSeed on top of a simple codebase enhanced with database, authentication, helpers and deployment scripts for Docker and Gunicorn/Nginx stack. To compile and use the project a Python3 environment should be properly installed and accessible on the terminal window. GIT is optional to download the sources using the console and avoid unZIP the products archive.
- Gradient Able Flask - LIVE Demo
- Gradient Able Flask - the source code published on Github
- README - provides build instructions and basic help

Gradient Able Django
The Django version (also provided by AppSeed) is quite similar in terms of features compare to the Flask version: SQLite database, authentication, modular codebase and deployment scripts for Docker and Gunicorn/Nginx stack. For newcomers, Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design, built by experienced developers.
- Gradient Able Django - LIVE Deployment
- Gradient Able Django - Source code (published on Github)
- The README file that provides the build instructions

Thanks for Reading! For more resources please access:
- CodedThemes - for more beautiful dashboards templates and UI Kits
- AppSeed - for more coded starters and boilerplate code
- Go PRO! With Django Gradient Able, a premium seed project