Laravel Soft UI Dashboard - Free TALL Stack

Open-source starter styled with Soft Dashboard Design and powered by TALL Stack (Laravel, Tailwind, Alpine, and Livewire) - released by Creative-Tim.

Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - open-source template by Creative-Tim
Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - open-source template

Hello! This article presents Laravel Soft Dashboard, an open-source starter powered by TALL Stack (Tailwind, Alpine, and Laravel) crafted and released for free by Creative-Tim. The product comes with a simple codebase, permissive license, authentication system, and profile editing features. Thanks for reading!

With this free starter, you're getting a fast and easy way to build Laravel apps, easily style them with Tailwind, and write Livewire components with a dash of Alpine.js.

Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - Charts Page, crafted by Creative-Tim
Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - Charts Page

Out of the box Laravel CRUDs

Soft UI Dashboard TALL Stack takes care of authentication and user profile features right out of the box. No more writing boring code, you can now focus on the more complex aspects of your app.

Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - Profile Page, crafted by Creative-Tim
Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - Profile Page

Free for personal and commercial projects

The product is released under the MIT license, so you can use it both for personal and commercial projects for free. Simply download it, install it, and start coding.

Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - VR page, crafted by Creative-Tim
Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - VR page

Product Features

  • ✅ 70 handcrafted UI components. From buttons and inputs to navbars and cards, everything is designed to create the best user experience
  • ✅ 7 example pages to give you a taste of what you can build with Soft UI Dashboard TALL Stack and 1 customized plugin
  • ✅ Out-of-the-box authentication system, register and
  • ✅ User profile editing features built with Laravel
Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - Login page, crafted by Creative-Tim
Soft Dashboard Laravel (TALL Stack) - Login page

Thanks for reading! For more resources, feel free to access: