django-template Material Dashboard - Free Django Template Open-Source crafted by AppSeed in Django on top of a pixel-perfect material design - FREE Product.
nextjs NextJS Material - Open-Source Dashboard Open-Source dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim in NextJS using a pixel-perfect material design - Free Product.
material-design Material Kit BS5 - Free Django Template Open-Source Django Template crafted with basic modules, authentication, and Docker support on top of a Material-based design.
laravel Laravel & Livewire - Full-Stack Starters A curated list with full-stack starters crafted in Laravel and Livewire on top of modern Ui kits - Free and Paid projects.
argon-dashboard Argon Dashboard - Free Django Template Open-Source Django Template crafted on top of Argon Design with basic modules, authentication, and Docker scripts - MIT license.
mui Soft UI React - Free MUI Dashboard Open-Source React template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of MUI Library - Soft Dashboard is released under the MIT License.
argon-dashboard Argon Dashboard - Free Bootstrap5 Template Open-Source dashboard template crafted by CreativeTim on top of Bootstrap 5 framework - Argon Dashboard is released under the MIT license.
vue-dashboard Xtreme Vue Admin Lite - Free Template Open-Source admin template crafted on top of Vue by WrapPixel - Source code released under the MIT license.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Design - Free Django Template Open-Source Django Template built on top of Soft Design System (free version) - The product is available for download from Github (MIT license).
material-design Material Dashboard - Free BS4 Template Open-Source dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim on top of Bootstrap - Material Dashboard is released under the MIT license on Github.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Dashboard - Free Django Template Open-Source Django Template crafted by AppSeed on top of Soft UI Dashboard, a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design.
react Material Dashboard React - Free Template Pixel-perfect M-UI template crafted by Creative-Tim - Material Dashboard React is released under the MIT license.
bootstrap-5 Skydash - Premium Bootstrap 5 Template Premium Bootstrap 5 Dashboard crafted by BootstrapDash - Skydash PRO comes with dark support, RTL, and 11 different layouts.
cool-designs Cool Designs - Material Dashboard PRO Material Dashboard PRO is a futuristic Bootstrap 5 design. This Cool Design is provided by Creative-Tim.
django-template Volt Bootstrap 5 - Open-Source Template Open-Source Django template crafted on top of Volt, a modern Bootstrap 5 design - Source code available for download on GH.
react Light Dashboard PRO React Premium dashboard template built on top of Light Bootstrap Dashboard and React JS and it is fully responsive - Released by Creative-Tim.
bootstrap-5 Flexy Bootstrap 5 - Premium Template Premium dashboard template crafted by WrapPixel on top of Bootstrap 5 Framework.
react React Horizon UI - Open-Source Firebase Starter Open-Source starter built on top of React and Firebase - Horizon UI comes with social login via Google - Sources published on Github.
mui-design Argon MUI Template - Open-Source React Design Start your Development with an Innovative Admin Template for MUI and React - Open-Source Template.
tailwind Tailwind CSS Templates - Open-Source and Free A curated list with Open-Source Templates crafted on top of Tailwind CSS - Source code is available on Github (MIT License).
react DashboardKit - Free React Dashboard Template DashboardKit Bootstrap React Admin Dashboard Template - Open-Source product.
react React Berry - Open-Source MUI Template Berry is a free Material UI admin dashboard template built with React - Source code available on Github (MIT License).
django Django Material Kit - Open-Source Seed Project Open-Source starter built on top of Bootstrap 5 and Django - Sources published on Github (MIT License).
severny Severny - Open-Source Dashboard Template With all the basic features and fully responsive pages, Severny Dashboard Lite does wonders for your projects - Open-Source template.
django Django Datta Able - Dark Mode (free product) Open-Source Django Starter crafted on top of a colorful Bootstrap template enhanced with dark mode - Datta Able can be downloaded from Github.