severny Severny - Open-Source Dashboard Template With all the basic features and fully responsive pages, Severny Dashboard Lite does wonders for your projects - Open-Source template.
django Django Datta Able - Dark Mode (free product) Open-Source Django Starter crafted on top of a colorful Bootstrap template enhanced with dark mode - Datta Able can be downloaded from Github.
tailwind Tailwind CSS - Open-Source Django Starter Open-Source starters crafted on top of Tailwind CSS and Soft Dashboard Design in Django - Source code available on Github (MIT license).
wrappixel WrapPixel - New UI & Latest Products (all free) A curated list of Open-Source and Free products crafted by WrapPixel.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Dashboard - Dark-Mode Ready Learn how to build a full-stack product on top of Soft Ui Dashboard in no time using AppSeed.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Flowbite - Premium Tailwind Design Build your website faster with an Innovative Admin Template based on TailwindCSS, Flowbite, and HTML - Crafted by Creative-Tim.
laravel Material Dashboard Laravel Livewire - Free Product Material Dashboard 2 Laravel Livewire combines a fresh, new design inspired by Google's Material Design 2 with a Laravel backend and Livewire - Free product.
react React App Generator - Berry Dashboard (M-UI Design) This article explains how to use AppSeed and generate a full-stack React App powered by a simple NodeJS API Server - Sources are published automatically on Github (MIT license).
react React Horizon UI - Open-Source Full-Stack Starter Open-Source full-stack starter crafted on top of Chakra UI, react, and powered by a simple NodeJS API Server.
tailwind Tailwind CSS - Soft UI Dashboard Open-source Dashboard Template crafted on top of Tailwind CSS by Creative-Tim agency - Soft UI Dashboard Tailwind is released under the MIT License on GH.
flexy-dashboard Flexy Lite - Free Starters (all open-source) Free starters and templates crafted on top of Flexy, a modern and colorful dashboard template.
appseed AppSeed is Growing - 5k Registered Users AppSeed is a community-driven service that provides production-ready starters using in-house automation tools.
datta-able Datta Able Django - Open-Source Starter Django Datta Able, a popular open-source starter has been updated to use the latest Django Codebase managed by the AppSeed Generator.
datta-able Datta Able PRO Starters - Updated + 30%Off Coupon A curated list with starters updated to the latest version of Datta Able, recently updated to Bootstrap 5.
soft-ui-system Soft Dashboard Django - Updated (Free Product) Simple, open-source Django starter updated to a new UI version - Sources published on Github (MIT License).
soft-ui-system Flask Soft Dashboard - Simple Starter generated by AppSeed Learn how to use AppSeed and generate a Flask Dashboard on top of Soft UI Design - Video Content.
generator (Video) Generate simple starters on top of Python and Black Dashboard Design Learn how to use AppSeed and generate simple starters on top of Black Dashboard, a nice UI provided by Creative-Tim - Projects code can be downloaded from GH (MIT License).
codedthemes CodedThemes - Free Products (React, Angular, Bootstrap) A curated list with free products crafted and released for free by CodedThemes: Datta React, Gradient, Materially
generator Material Kit Generator - Build a BS5 Website Fast Build simple web apps styled with Material Kit design on top of Flask and Django in no time using AppSeed - Code is saved on Github.
appseed Volt Dashboard - Generate a Flask Codebase in no-time Learn how to generate a simple Flask Codebase on top of modern Bootstrap 5 Design using Volt App Generator.
chakra-ui Chakra UI React - Coding a Simple Landing Page Learn how to code a simple landing page in Chakra and React - A comprehensive tutorial (With Samples).
open-source Open-Source Templates - React, Bootstrap 5, Vue 3 A curated list with Open-Source starters and templates crafted on top of modern UI Kits - ALL Free.
django Django Dashboard Material - Open-Source Starter Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed on top of a modern design - Sources published on Github (MIT License).
openapi OpenAPI Editor - Online Tool Free, In-Browser tool for editing OpenAPI definitions - provided by AppSeed (free developer tool).
django Django Bootstrap 5 Volt - Open-Source Starter Open-Source Django Starter crafted by AppSeed on top of Volt Dashboard, a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 Design (MIT License).