React Django Horizon - Generate & Go LIVE

Hello coders! The video mentioned in this article explains how to generate a simple full-stack project powered by React & Django on top of HorizonUI, a pixel-perfect kit from Simmple. The generated sources are uploaded on GitHub and later used to deploy the product LIVE on Render. Thanks for reading!

Designed for those who like modern UI elements and beautiful websites Horizon UI is ready to help you create stunning websites and web apps - Design credits: Simmple.

React Django Horizon - Generate and GO Live. 

VIDEO Transcript

  • Generate the React Product
  • ✅ Access the GitHub repository
  • ✅ Access the LIVE Deployer tool
  • ✅ Explain the concept
  • ✅ Deploy the project using Drag & Drop
  • ✅ Access LIVE deployment of the product
React App Generator - Horizon UI

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