django Django Pixel PRO - OAuth, Extended Profile Premium Django Starter enhanced with OAuth (Github & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, Self-Deletion option, and Docker Support
django Django Argon PRO - Mini eCommerce Template Premium Seed Project crafted on top of Argon Design System and Django. The product comes with session-based authentication, DB tools, and Docker support.
django Django Black Dashboard - Persistent Dark-Mode, Docker Premium Django Starter built with authentication, helpers, and Docker support on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap Design.
django Django Material Kit2 - OAuth, Extended profiles, Docker Premium Django Starter enhanced with OAuth (Github & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, Self-Deletion option, and Docker Support
flask Flask OAuth, API, Extended Profiles - Volt Dashboard PRO Latest evolution: OAuth, Extended Profiles, API, Improved UX/UI for Flask Volt Dashboard (premium starter).
appseed AppSeed - New Service Terms and Discounts The latest terms and discounts provided by AppSeed: discounts for registered users, PRO accounts, and a special package for StartUPs.
datta-able Datta Able - Flask Starter (premium starter) Premium seed project crafted by AppSeed in Flask on top of Datta Able PRO design - Full-stack project.
django Volt - Free Django Seed Project Open-Source seed project crafted on top of Django and Bootstrap 5 with basic modules, authentication, and Docker support - provided by AppSeed.
flask (Video) Flask OAuth with Github - Datta Able PRO This material presents how to authenticate with Github using Flask Datta Able, a premium starter provided by AppSeed.
flask Flask Datta PRO - #Updated: OAuth, Products API, UX Improvements Latest evolution: OAuth, Extended Profiles, API, Improved UX/UI - premium Flask starter (premium starter)
django Django Volt PRO - OAuth, Extended Profiles, Tasks & Transaction Module Latest evolutions of Django Volt: OAuth, extended users profile, Tasks module - premium starter built on top of Bootstrap5
adminator Adminator - Open-Source Django Starter Open-Source Django Template crafted on top of Adminator Dashboard Design - Free product by AppSeed (MIT License).
flask Argon Dashboard - Open-Source Flask Template Open-Source Starter built on top of Flask and Argon, a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design - Free product (MIT License)
django Django Argon Dashboard - Free Starter Open-Source Starter built on top of Django and Argon, a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design - Free product (MIT License)
django Django Soft PRO - OAuth for Github, Twitter, Change Password Latest evolutions of Django Soft Dashboard PRO: OAuth via Twitter and Github, Self-Deletion, Change Password - Premium Starter.
django Free Django Starter - Datta Able Open-Source Django Template crafted on top of Datta Able design with authentication, database and Docker Scripts (MIT License).
adminator Adminator - Migrated to Gulp (Free Product) Adminator, an iconic design from Colorlib, is now available for download using a simple Gulp tooling (faster integration in Flask, Django, FastAPI).
datta-able Django Datta PRO - OAuth for Github, Twitter, Change Password Latest evolutions of Django Datta PRO: OAuth via Twitter and Github, Self-Deletion, Change Password - Premium Starter.
flask Flask Volt PRO - Extended User Profile, Admin ROLE Latest evolutions of Flask Volt PRO: extended profile for users, ADMIN role, improved authentication - Premium Starter.
flask Flask Soft PRO - User Profiles, Improved Authentication Latest updates: extended user profiles, admin role, improved authentication, and Docker scripts - premium starter.
datta-able Flask Datta Able PRO - v1.0.15 #Updates Latest updates of Flask Datta PRO: improved profile page, self-deletion option, change password - Premium starter provided by AppSeed.
developer-tools Tools for Developers - Curated List A collection of tools (open-source and closed-source) built and actively supported by AppSeed.
appseed AppSeed - Discounts for registered users, Annual Subscription A summary of the latest updates: Rewards for registered users, an affordable annual subscription that unlocks other discounts, and access to tools.
datta-able Datta Able PRO Flask - OAuth, Reset Password, Secured API Latest updates of Datta Flask PRO: OAuth via Twitter and Github, extended user profiles, change password component, improved UI/UX.
django Django Soft Dashboard PRO - Extended Profiles, Improved AUTH Premium Django Starter crafted with authentication, helpers, and Docker support on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 Design.