bootstrap-template Black Dashboard - Open-Source BS4 Design Black Dashboard is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard with a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing.
flask-template Flask Template Bootstrap - Pixel Lite Design Pixel Lite is an ope-source Flask Bootstrap Template provided by AppSeed on top of a modern Bootstrap 5 design from Themesberg - the product can be downloaded without an account.
kanban Kanban Board Bootstrap & React - A curated list A curated list with open-source and commercial products that provide an interactive Kanban Board.
sb-admin SB Admin - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard SB Admin, a popular open-source Bootstrap 5 Template available in many tech flavors: HTML, Flask, and Django (all free).
datta-able Datta Able Template - Free Dashboard available in many tech flavors This article presents a modern admin dashboard design - Datta Able, provided by CodedThemes in many tech flavors: Bootstrap 4, React and Angular.
bootstrap-template Bootstrap Templates - Modern Kits to use in 2021 This article presents a shortlist with open-source Tailwind and Bootstrap Templates provided by well-known agencies and open-source enthusiasts.