black-dashboard Black Dashboard - Free Django Starter This material presents Django Black Dashboard, a popular #opensource starter recently updated to the latest UI version, and CI/CD flow - Designed by Creative-Tim.
appseed Django - Build APIs without Coding (FREE tools only) Learn how to generate services in Django without coding - APIs, Dynamic DataTables - Free developer tools provided by AppSeed.
argon-dashboard Argon Dashboard PRO Django ⚡️ Updated Premium Django starter crafted on top of Argon Design with Docker and CI/CD support - provided by AppSeed and Creative-Tim.
react React & Django - Purity Design (free product) Full-Stack Seed project generated by React App Generator top of Purity Dashboard design from Creative-Tim - Sources saved on GitHub (MIT License).
django Django Gradient PRO - Go LIVE ... fast Django Dashboard crafted by AppSeed on top of a modern design. Gradient Able is a premium Bootstrap 5 Dashboard that comes with feature-rich pages and developer-centric code components.
django Django Datta PRO ⚡️Updated with Ci/Cd, Theme-able UI Premium Django starter crafted on top of Datta Able design now available with CI/CD support (via Render) and theme-able UI (usable via PIP).
django Soft Dashboard - Free Django starter from Creative-Tim Open-source Django Template crafted on top of Soft UI Dashboard, a modern Bootstrap 5 design - Crafted by Creative-Tim and AppSeed.
argon-dashboard Django Argon BS4 - Theme-able UI, CI/CD via Render This article presents the latest updates of Django Argon PRO (premium BS4 starter): codebase improvements, the latest UI Kit, and Ci/CD flow via Render.
black-dashboard Django Black PRO - Updated (CI/CD, Theme-able UI) This article presents the latest updates of Django Black PRO (premium starter): codebase improvements, the latest UI Kit, and Ci/CD flow via Render.
django Volt Dashboard - Codebase Update, CI/CD flow This article presents the latest updates of Django Volt (free starter): codebase improvements, the latest UI Kit, and Ci/CD flow via Render.
django Django Atlantis PRO - CI/CD Support, Improved Codebase Django starter styled with Atlantis Dark PRO, a premium Bootstrap KIT from ThemeKita - Codebase provides CI/CD support via Render.
django Django Pixel PRO - Updated (Theme-able Pattern, CI/CD) Premium Django Starter updated to support theme-able design (installed via PIP) and CI/CD flow via Render.
django Go LIVE with Django .. FAST - Pixel, Soft Design, MKit (all free) Learn how to Go LIVE with Django using three open-Source kits and Render: Pixel Lite, Material Kit, Soft Design (MIT License).
django Django Soft Dashboard - New Codebase, CI/CD via Render Open-source Django project crafted on top of Soft Dashboard, an open-source Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim - CI/CD support, Theme-able Design.
bootstrap-5 Django Berry - Open-Source, Deployment-ready Starter Open-source Django project crafted on top of Berry Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from CodedThemes - Provides authentication, CI/CD flow, and Docker Support.
django Django Material Design - CI, CD / Open-Source Open-source Django project crafted on top of Material Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from Creative-Tim with database, AUTH, and Ci/CD support.
django Django Berry Dashboard - Free Product Open-source Django project crafted on top of Berry Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from CodedThemes.
berry Django Berry BS5 - Free PyPi Library Modern template for Django Admin Interface coded on top of Berry, a modern BS5 dashboard template - Design provided as a PyPi Library by AppSeed
star-admin Star Admin - Free PyPi Library For Django Modern template for Django Admin Interface coded on top of Star Admin, the iconic dashboard template - Design provided as a PyPi Library.
adminlte Django AdminLTE - PyPi Library Modern template for Django Admin Interface coded on top of AdminLTE, the iconic dashboard template - Design provided as a PyPi Library by AppSeed
bootstrap-5 Pixel Bootstrap5 - Free Django PyPi Theme Modern template for Django coded on top of Pixel Bootstrap 5, an open-source UI Kit from Themesberg - provided as a PyPi Library by AppSeed
soft-ui-system Django Soft Design - Free PyPi Library Modern template for Django coded on top of Soft Design, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from Creative-Tim - provided as a PyPi Library.
react React Django Horizon - Generate & Go LIVE This material explains how to generate a simple #fullstack app using React and Django on top of HorizonUI, a pixel-perfect design styled with Chakra.
django Django Argon Theme - Now supports all Django.contrib.AUTH links Modern template for Django Admin Interface coded on top of Argon Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from Creative-Tim - Django.contrib.AUTH links supported.
deployment React and Django - Generate & Deploy with Drag & Drop This material explains how to deploy LIVE projects built on top of Django & React - Go LIVE, a new service provided by AppSeed.