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material-dashboard Material Dashboard - Free Django Template Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed on top of a modern design. Designed for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites, Material Dashboard 2 is ready to help you create stunning dashboards.
django Django Bootstrap 5 Volt - Free Product Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed op top of a modern design. Volt Dashboard is a free and open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages, and 3 plugins with Vanilla JS.
django Datta Able - Free Django 4 Template Open-Source seed project generated by AppSeed on top of Bootstrap Framework and Django v4. The source code can be downloaded from Github under the MIT License without a registration lock.
django Gradient Able - Free Django 4 Template Open-Source Django 4 template crafted by AppSeed on top of a lightweight Boostrap 4 Desing.
django Django Version 4 - Free Templates A curated list with opensource starters and templates updated to the latest Django version - AdminLTE, CoreUI, Datta Able.
django Volt Bootstrap 5 - Updated to Django 4.1 Open-source Seed Project crafted on top of Volt, a pixel-perfect Boostrap 5 design, and Django 4.
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django Gradient Able Django - Free Template Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed op top of a modern design. Gradient Able Django can be downloaded from Github under the MIT License.
django Soft UI Dashboard - Free Django Template Open-source Django Template crafted with authentication, database, and Docker support on top of Soft UI Dashboard design, an open-source Bootstrap 5 design.
django Django Bootstrap 5 - Free Dashboard Open-Source Django starter crafted on top of Bootstrap 5 Framework - Django Volt Dashboard can be downloaded from Github under the MIT License.
django Django Dashboard - Material Design (Free Product) Open-source Django Dashboard crafted with authentication, database, and Docker support on top of Material Dashboard 2, a modern Bootstrap 5 design.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Dashboard - Open-Source Django Starter Open-source Django Dashboard crafted on top of a modern and innovative design - Soft UI Dashboard - Sources available on Github.
datta-able Datta Able - Free Django Template Open-source Django Seed Project crafted with basic modules, authentication and Docker support on top of Datta Able, a colorful design from CodedThemes.
soft-ui-system Soft UI Dashboard Django - Free Product Open-Source Django seed project crafted by AppSeed and Creative-Tim on top of Soft UI Dashboard (free version).
django Django Material Dashboard - Open-source Starter Admin dashboard generated by AppSeed in Django Framework on top of Material Dashboard design. The product is available for download on Github.
django Django Dashboards - Dark-Themed and Free A curated list with open-source dark-themed seed projects crafted in Django on top of modern UI kits: Atlantis Dark, Black Dashboard, Corona Dark.
react Django React Berry - Open-Source Full-Stack Starter Open-source Full-stack seed project crafted in Django and React on top of Berry Dashboard, a pixel-perfect design from CodedThemes.
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admin-dashboards Free Admin Dashboard - Django Atlantis Dark Open-source Admin Dashboard crafted in Django on top of a dark-themed design: Atlantis Lite. The product can be downloaded directly from Github (MIT License).
django Django Soft UI - Bootstrap 5 and Django 3.2.6 LTS A modern Django Dashboard crafted on top of Soft UI, a modern Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim. Features: authentication, simple codebase, Docker scripts.
material-design Material Admin Django - Free Projects A curated list with open-source crafted in Django Framework on top of Material Design UI Kits: CoreUI, Material Lite, Material Dashboard.
django Django React - Datta Able (Free Full-stack Product) Open-source full-stack product coded in Django and React on top of a modern, colorful design - Datta Able (free version).