react Notus React - Free Tailwind UI Kit Open-Source UI kit crafted on top of React and Tailwind CSS by Creative-Tim - Notus React is available for download from Github (no registration lock).
notus Notus Design System PRO - Tailwind CSS Design Premium UI Kit and dashboard crafted on top of Tailwind CSS, a popular CSS framework.
tailwind Windster Tailwind CSS - Free Dashboard Windster is a free and open-source admin dashboard interface built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite - provided by Themesberg.
react React & Tailwind - Open-source Dashboard Open-source dashboard template crafted by Creative Tim in React and Tailwind CSS - product can be downloaded directly from Github (MIT License).
react React & Tailwind - Open-source Starters and UI Kits A curated list with open-source React starters and UI Kits styled with Tailwind CSS - all projects are available on Github.
react-dashboard React Tailwind - Free Dashboards A curated list with React Dashboards styled with Tailwind CSS and released under permissive licenses by their vendors.: Notus, Windmill, Mosaic.
react Notus React - Free Tailwind UI Kit Open-source UI Kit crafted in React and Tailwind CSS by Creative-Tim - The project can be downloaded directly from Github.
bootstrap-template Bootstrap Templates - Modern Kits to use in 2021 This article presents a shortlist with open-source Tailwind and Bootstrap Templates provided by well-known agencies and open-source enthusiasts.