django Django Berry Dashboard - Free Product Open-source Django project crafted on top of Berry Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from CodedThemes.
flask Flask Berry - Go LIVE in 5 minutes This material explains how to Go LIVE with a simple Flask App built on top of Berry design using the LIVE deployer service provided by AppSeed.
berry Django Berry BS5 - Free PyPi Library Modern template for Django Admin Interface coded on top of Berry, a modern BS5 dashboard template - Design provided as a PyPi Library by AppSeed
bootstrap-5 Berry Bootstrap5 - Dark-Mode Ready Modern Bootstrap 5 Dashboard template designed by CodedThemes is now enhanced with a persistent Dark Mode by AppSeed.
bootstrap-5 Berry - Free Bootstrap5 Template Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Dashboard Template crafted by CodeThemes - Berry BS5 can be downloaded from GitHub.
react React App Generator - Berry Dashboard (M-UI Design) This article explains how to use AppSeed and generate a full-stack React App powered by a simple NodeJS API Server - Sources are published automatically on Github (MIT license).
react-dashboard Berry - Open-Source React Dashboard Open-Source React Dashboard crafted by CodedThemes on top of M-UI library - Berry can be downloaded from Github (MIT License).
react Django React Berry - Open-Source Full-Stack Starter Open-source Full-stack seed project crafted in Django and React on top of Berry Dashboard, a pixel-perfect design from CodedThemes.
react-dashboard React Berry Dashboard - 360 Degrees Review Open-source React Dashboard crafted on top of Material-UI library. Berry Dashboard is a product crafted by the CodedThemes agency.
react-dashboard Berry - Open-source React Dashboard Template Open-source React Dashboard template crafted by CodedThemes using Material UI design - product can be downloaded from Github.