argon-dashboard Argon Design - Open-Source Starters A curated list with open-source starters crafted on top of Argon, in Django, Flask and Jinja - all free and open-source .
argon-dashboard Argon Dashboard PRO - Bootstrap 5 Version Argon Dashboard PRO is a completely new product built on our newest re-built from scratch framework structure that is meant to make our products more intuitive.
react-templates React Dashboard Template - Argon Design The article presents an open-source React Dashboard Template released and actively supported by Creative-Tim: Argon Design (free product).
django Django Dashboard - Argon Design (Free Product) Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed on top of Argon, a popular Bootstrap template from Creative-Tim.
flask-dashboard Flask Dashboard - Argon Design The article presents a new freebie generated by the AppSeed platform on top of Argon Dashboard design in Flask, a well-known Python web framework.