react-dashboard React Dashboards - Open-Source and Free (Curated List) This article presents a curated list with open-source and free React Dashboards released under permissive licenses (MIT, LGPL) by the publishers.
gradient-able Gradient Able - Free Download This article presents a curated list with free resources related to Gradient Able, a modern dashboard designed by CodedThemes agency.
bootstrap-5 Soft UI Dashboard - Open-Source Bootstrap 5 Dashboard This article presents an open-source admin dashboard template crafted on top of Bootstrap 5 Framework: Soft UI Dashboard.
vue-dashboard Vue Dashboard - Vuetify Material This article presents a free and open-source Vue Dashboard crafted by Creative-Tim - Vuetify Material Dashboard.
adminkit AdminKit - Free BS5 Admin Template This article presents two open-source projects that might help developers to build professional admin dashboards on top of AdminKit design, a popular design crafted on top of Bootstrap 5 Framework
bootstrap-template Bootstrap Templates - Modern Kits to use in 2021 This article presents a shortlist with open-source Tailwind and Bootstrap Templates provided by well-known agencies and open-source enthusiasts.
coreui CoreUI - Open-Source Starters CoreUI, the iconic free admin dashboard crafted by the agency with the same name as the product, is now provided in many flavors by AppSeed: Jinja, Flask, and Django.
django Django Bootstrap 5 - Volt Dashboard (Free Product) The article presents an open-source Django Bootstrap 5 starter crafted on op of Volt Dashboard template, a modern jQuery-free design.
adminkit AdminKit - A modern Bootstrap 5 Dashboard Template The article presents a modern Bootstrap 5 dashboard crafted and released for free by - product can be downloaded directly from Github.
azia-dashboard Azia Dashboard - Free Admin Panel provided in React, Angular, and Bootstrap4 This article presents a free, open-source admin dashboard provided by BootstrapDash in many tech flavors - Azia Dashboard.
flask-dashboard Flask Dashboard - Argon Design The article presents a new freebie generated by the AppSeed platform on top of Argon Dashboard design in Flask, a well-known Python web framework.
flask-dashboard Flask Dashboard - Atlantis Dark This article presents another free starter provided by AppSeed on top of a dark-themed UI kit - Atlantis Lite (Dark Layout).
flask-dashboard Flask Dashboard - Light Bootstrap Dashboard The article presents an open-source Flask Dashboard coded with basic modules, database and deployment scripts on top of a modern UI Kit - Light Bootstrap Dashboard.
flask-dashboard Flask Dashboard - Volt Admin, built with Bootstrap 5 and Vanilla JS The article presents a simple Flask seed project generated by the AppSeed platform on top of a modern Bootstrap 5 design - Volt Dashboard (free version).
flask-template Flask Templates - A curated list with projects The article presents a curated list with Flask Templates crafted on top of modern UI kits: Argon, Material Dashboard, Black Design.
material-design MaterialPro Admin - By WrapPixel The article presents a premium bootstrap material design template designed by WrapPixel - MaterialPro Bootstrap Admin.
react-dashboard React Dashboard - Volt Bootstrap 5 Open-source React Dashboard crafted by Themesberg on top of React and Bootstrap 5 framework.
react Open-Source React Themes - Curated List A curated list with open-source React Themes provided for free by well-known agencies and freelancers - products can be downloaded directly from Github.